Computer/Docker, Linux

[RunPod] Use the other docker image on RunPod (Eng)

Braydon 2024. 5. 4. 03:51

Update : 2024.05.04

Content : Use the other docker image on RunPod

Reference :


Use SSH | RunPod Documentation

The basic terminal SSH access that RunPod exposes is not a full SSH connection and, therefore, does not support commands like SCP. If you want to have full SSH capabilities, then you will need to rent an instance that has public IP support and run a full S


1. Go to the Deploy page


2. Select GPU or CPU


3. Change Template

- If there is not what you want, go Templates.

nvidia/cuda:12.1.0-devel-ubuntu22.04 example


4. Return Change Template and select the image which you want


5. Go Edit Template and MUST ADD Container Start Command

bash -c 'apt update;DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install openssh-server -y;mkdir -p ~/.ssh;cd $_;chmod 700 ~/.ssh;echo "$PUBLIC_KEY" >> authorized_keys;chmod 700 authorized_keys;service ssh start;sleep infinity'



6. Change Container Disk and Volume Disk size

- Container disk is temporal storage including python libs and caches.

- Volume disk is persistant storage which is stored in /workspace.


7. Click Set Overrides and Deploy On-Demand if everything is fine.
